School Council

School Councils have been set up in all government schools in Victoria. School Councillors are elected for a two year period. At PPPS there are twelve members of School Council - the Principal (executive officer), three members of staff and seven parent representatives.
Our School Council meetings are relaxed, with plenty of laughter whilst we make decisions to improve the education and care of the students, staff and parents who make up our school community.
Within statewide guidelines School Council:
- Monitors the directions of the 4 year School Strategic Plan and Annual Implementation Plan.
- Approves the annual school budget.
- Maintains and improves the school's facilities and grounds.
- Makes recommendations to the Department of Education and Training on the appointment of a school principal.
- Approves school policies.
- Stimulates interest in the school.
- Conducts educational, social, recreational and cultural activities at the school.
- Coordinates fundraising for the school.
- Enters hire / lease agreements.
- Oversees canteen, uniform shop, cleaning of the school and Outside School Hours Care.
- Approves overnight camps and excursions.
Meetings are held on a Tuesday from 7.00 to 9.30pm approximately 9 times per year.